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BST Cycle

The Code

Here is the code for this example (source):

// Created for COMP2521 sanitiser guide

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct bst BST;
struct bst {
    int value;
    BST *left;
    BST *right;

BST *bstInsert(BST *t, int value);
BST *newNode(int value);
void bstFree(BST *t);
BST *rotateLeft(BST *t1);

int main(void) {
    // Create a tree like
    //   2
    //  / \
    // 1   4
    //    / \
    //   3   5
    BST *t = NULL;
    t = bstInsert(t, 2);
    t = bstInsert(t, 1);
    t = bstInsert(t, 4);
    t = bstInsert(t, 3);
    t = bstInsert(t, 5);
    // Rotate it left to be
    //     4
    //    / \
    //   2   5
    //  / \
    // 1   3
    t = rotateLeft(t);

BST *bstInsert(BST *t, int value) {
    if (t == NULL) {
        return newNode(value);
    if (value < t->value) {
        t->left = bstInsert(t->left, value);
    } else if (value > t->value) {
        t->right = bstInsert(t->right, value);
    return t;

BST *newNode(int value) {
    BST *t = malloc(sizeof(*t));
    t->value = value;
    t->left = NULL;
    t->right = NULL;
    return t;

void bstFree(BST *t) {
    if (t != NULL) {

BST *rotateLeft(BST *t1) {
    if (t1 == NULL || t1->right == NULL) return t1;
    BST *t2 = t1->right;
    t1->right = t2;
    t2->left = t1;
    return t2;

This code creates a BST (see comments in code for structure) and then performs a left rotation on it.

The Error

Here is the error message:

error message

The Problem

From the error message we can see that, when we free the tree, a node is accessed after it has been freed, meaning we’re trying to free it twice in one go. We can also tell that it was the node containing 1, but that doesn’t help much. Our first thought might be that bstFree() is wrong. However, we can see that we’ve pretty much implemented a post-order traversal, which we know only visits each node once.

The only way we could visit a node twice is if a node is somehow a descendent of itself i.e. we have a cycle in our tree. The fact that bstFree() has recursed 5 levels deep despite there only being 3 levels in our tree is another give away that a cycle exists.

This could either be from bstInsert() or rotateLeft(). We can comment out the rotation to see that no error occurs, so this confirms that rotateLeft() is the issue.

The problem is actually just a small typo. In the 3rd line of the function, we set t1->right = t2 which means the original root t1 now points up at the new root t2. Ethan has drawn a lovely diagram to visualise what’s gone wrong:

rotation diagram

So, our tree actually looks something like this

   2_| 5

where 4 is the right child of 2, but also it’s parent. So, when we go to free this tree, here’s what happens:

The Fix

We just need to fix our typo, and change t1->right = t2 to t1->right = t2->left.